
Tipperary Gardaí Search For Serial Masked Raider

Gardaí in Cashel are searching for, what they believe is, a ‘serial masked raider’, who once again has threatened staff at a late night service station.

The incident occurred at 10.10pm precisely, on Saturday night last August 11th 2018, when a balaclava-clad gunman detained, at gun point, workers at a service station at Cashel Road, Cahir, Co. Tipperary. The raider grabbed what is believed to be more than €1,000 in cash, before leaving through the back door of the filling station.

Gardaí, examining the scene later, recovered an imitation firearm and a balaclava and believe that this ‘masked episode’ was similar to an identical raid carried out in this area in more recent months.

No staff member was injured in the incident and Gardaí at Cashel are now requesting that anyone who may have information, should contact them on Tel: 062 75840.


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