
Thurles Free DeafHear Clinic

Ms Alona Troy, Community Resource Officer reports:

“Our next clinic will be on Wednesday 14th June 2017, from 10:00am to 1:00pm. in St Mary’s Health Centre, Castlemeadows, Thurles, Co. Tipperary.

This is a free service where you can acquire information regarding hearing loss, guidelines for good communication, information on equipment for your home to help you hear the doorbell, phone, smoke alarm and television. We also provide information on Irish Sign Language, Tinnitus and Lip-reading. Come in and have a chat, no need for an appointment. HSE hearing aid tubing can be changed and batteries for all hearing aids can be purchased for €2 for a packet of 6.

We do not service, fit or issue hearing aids at our clinic.

Family members and local agencies are welcome to seek advice.

If you require more information please contact the resource office:, Mid-West, Pery Street, Limerick, Tel: 061 467 494.

Fax: 061 467497,  Text: 087 6839754,  Email:  Web:


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