
‘ Millie’ Wants Your Credit Card Details

GardaGardaí and Revenue Commissioners have become aware of a number of persons who have received phone calls from bogus personnel, purporting to work within local Banks and the Offices of Revenue.

Same calls are seeking Credit Card details and/or demanding immediate payment of tax bills; to be paid over the phone.

The first piece of information to note is that these individuals are not calling from your friendly Bank or Revenue Office.

If you receive a telephone call purporting to be from the Revenue Commissioners and about which you have any doubts, you should contact the Collector General’s Division (Tel:1890 20 30 70), without revealing any further details with regards to your banking or Revenue business.

Calls seeking Credit Card details.
With regard to those seeking Credit Card details; we are aware that telephone calls are being received today, around Tipperary, from a Mobile Tel. No 086/8646588.

In the latter case a woman identifying herself as ‘Millie’, informs you she is from your Bank and that €250 has been removed from your Credit Card account without, she believes, your personal knowledge. She is urgently seeking immediate clarification and confirmation of your Credit Card details, in order to put a halt this or other unwarranted transaction.

Remember anyone who mistakenly provides personal information in response to these types of fraudulent phone calls, should contact their Bank or Credit Card company immediately and alert the Gardaí.

Remember the Gardaí cannot fight crime alone, without the full support and co-operation of local communities and everyone has an onus and a major role to play, in attempting to prevent and reduce every act of criminality.


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