
Tipperary Live Register Figures For July 2016

Central Statistics Office (CSO) Live Register Figures, recently published for the month of July 2016, based on the figures for the previous month, June once again have increased, all be it marginally, by 44 persons; 41 of which were added in the north of the county.

Thurles, North of the county, saw the largest increase of 44 persons, while Carrick-On-Suir, situated in the South, added a further 28 persons.


When compared with the CSO’s independent figures for January 2016; the July tally reveals that the Live Register has increased overall for Co. Tipperary as a whole, by a further 139 persons.

We note that minor decreases were recorded in Nenagh (10 persons), Cashel (11 persons), and Clonmel (15 persons), during July 2016; however of these same 36 persons removed from the Tipperary Live Register, we cannot confirm how many of same can be attributed to emigration, migration or indeed unfortunate recent deaths.

We can confirm however, that of the 1432 jobs highlighted and published by former Tipperary Minister Alan Kelly, (700 Nth Tipp & 692 Sth Tipp) in mid to late 2015 and prior to the last General Election held on 26 February 2016; no such employment prospects have as yet materialised.


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