
April Live Register Figures Drop For Co. Tipperary

According to figures from the CSO, the number of persons claiming Welfare Benefit, have fallen by 644 persons during the month of April. Note these figures, shown hereunder, are accessed using the search criteria; All Ages, Both Sexes, Social Welfare Office and Month.


As of the end of April 2016 however, 12,407 persons still remain in receipt of some form of Unemployment or other Social Welfare Benefit.

Of the 644 persons indicated in this last months statistics; some no doubt will be absent due to unfortunate death; emigration; short-time contracts; those re-registering at other Social Welfare offices while actively in search of possible work and other Community Work Placement Initiatives e.g. Tús.

To this end we will be watching closely the CSO figures produced over the coming months.


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