
Tipperary Incremental Purchase Housing Scheme

As and from January 1st 2016, existing tenants of Tipperary County Council have an opportunity to purchase their homes through an ‘Incremental Purchase Scheme’ introduced under Part 3 of the Housing (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act of 2014.Tipper coco

Note: However there are a number of pre requisites which households must meet. These include as follows:-

(1) Tenants/joint tenants must have minimum reckonable income of €15,000 per annum.
(2) Reckonable income must come mainly from regular employment and not solely from Social Welfare.
(3) Applicants must be in receipt of Social Housing Support for a minimum period of 1 year.
(4) Applicants must not be disqualified from purchasing, same brought about as a result of having purchased housing previously
(5) Applicants must have a satisfactory rent record and all household charges must be up to date [i.e. Water charges etc.]
(6) Houses must be available for sale and not restricted, as in past schemes [i.e. not houses specifically reserved for elderly, transitional accommodation, traveller accommodation, in interests of estate management etc.]

For income between €15,000 and €20,000 tenant purchase discount will be 60% of purchase price and an Incremental Purchase Charge of 60% will apply to house and be reduced by 2% per annum over 30 years.
For income between €20,001 and €29,999 tenant purchase discount will be 50% of purchase price and an Incremental Purchase Charge of 50% will apply to house and be reduced by 2% per annum over 25 years.
For income over €30,000 tenant purchase discount will be 40% of purchase price and an Incremental Purchase Charge will apply to house and be reduced by 2% per annum over 20 years.

For to download ‘Tenant Information Booklet’ click HERE and for to download ‘Tenant Purchase Application Form’ please click HERE


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