
Tipperary Under 5 Years Of Labour & Fine Gael

There is no denying the published, dismal Live Register CSO figures (Check for yourselves using search criteria All Ages, Both Sexes,) at the end of December for both North and South Tipperary, each carefully checked and shown separately hereunder.

Yes we are aware that the Live Register is not designed to measure unemployment, but they are most certainly a strong indication of Urban and Rural trending.

Live Register by Age Group, Sex, Social Welfare Office and Month – North Tipp.


Within the last two weeks 700 jobs were announced by Tipperary’s Mr Alan Kelly TD, Minister for ‘Privatising our Irish Water’. Some 400 construction jobs were announced in Silvermines village and 300 at US multi-national First Data in Nenagh town.

It has taken this government almost 5 years to create not even one job and now 6 weeks before a General Election the sky has opened and it’s raining jobs, with more extensive flooding expected.

When will these Tipperary jobs materialise?

This Silvermines Hydro Electric Power Station project employing 400 construction workers will begins with a detailed feasibility assessments and consultation programme with the local community before moving to an 18 month to two year planning process later this year. Jobs therefore not expected before 2019 with most of the skilled workforce needed already employed by the European construction and technology companies involved.
The US multi-national First Data premises is expected to open around March 2017 and to employ 300 workers, but obviously not before their opening date 2017, despite the promise that recruitment will start late this year in 2016. Like most long term promises made by multi-national companies the numbers expected to be employed rarely meet their forecast targets or indeed those who dream of a secure job in the future.

By the time any of these jobs are available or even at the recruitment stage, another flock of graduating students will be ready and available in the Tipperary market place.

Live Register by Age Group, Sex, Social Welfare Office and Month – South Tipp


For those of our readers who feel that I write from a negative or political prospective, let’s examine the facts, but first examine the figures shown above.
652 Jobs announced in South Tipperary last year (2015) as follows:-
September 2015 – 200 new jobs for Clonmel at Eishtec.
August 1st 2015 – 300 new jobs long term in Cashel at US generic drugs giant Amneal Pharmaceuticals;
July 2015 – 152 jobs at ABP Food Group in Cahir.

What “Recovery” has Labour & Fine Gael to date introduced into Ireland?
Yes “Recovery” is under way if you are prepared to ignore that half of our economic growth is pedestalled on very questionable profit shifting by Multinational Companies.

Yes “Recovery” is under way if you are prepared to ignore that some 105,000 of our children have been pushed into long term poverty and deprivation, and yes numbers continue to grow for those forced to live in emergency homeless accommodation.

Yes “Recovery” is under way if you are prepared to ignore the fact that at least 300,000 people were forced to emigrate since 2010 to date.

Yes “Recovery” is under way if you are prepared to ignore that funds in relation to housing Regeneration Projects were abandoned; Public spending was cut on Community Development Organisations; Public Rural transport; Education; Flood Defences and you surely can’t ignore our present Health Care Services.

Even if 2,000 jobs were to be announced tomorrow for Co. Tipperary; thanks to TD’s Mr Kelly, Mr Coonan, Mr Hayes, the IDA and other government agencies, the truth is infer-structurally, we do not have even a shed to offer them, nor a pot for them to piss in.

Yes Ireland and rural Ireland in particular, are both definitely in “Recovery Mode”.


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