
Social Housing – Offers Of Accommodation Refused

To-rentFigures compiled from Ireland’s local authorities indicate that there were 1,990 refusals with regards to offers of Social Housing in 2014.  These refusals appear to include a number of cases in which applicants on housing lists refused to accept, at least twice during the year, dwellings on offer.

Tipperary County Council indicate that they had some 211 offers of accommodation refused in 2014.

Reasons compiled nationally and listed as stated when refusing offers of Social Housing include:-

(A) The location was across from a nightclub; (B) Was on holiday in Rome; (C) Work commitments; (D) Dogs barking in the area; (E) Issue with existing already accommodated tenants living on the same estate; (F) Difficulty in accessing medical services; (G) Various health reasons; (H) Distance from educational facilities; (I) Lack of privacy; (J) The particular location of the accommodation on offer; (K) Accommodation offered was considered too small or not suitable and (L) Not close enough to shopping areas.


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