
Revenue Publish Tipperary Tax Defaulters List

Revenue Commissioners

Revenue Commissioners

The latest Revenue Tax Defaulters List nationally, was published today, with the biggest settlement made ironically by a tax consultant, latter due to pay the Revenue €4m in relation to an under-declaration of income tax, following a penalty determination by the courts.

Nationally also a series of medical consultants have also been named on the list following a long running investigation by the Revenue Commissioners.

In all some ten individuals and their companies, holding Co. Tipperary addresses, are due to settle with the Revenue Commissioners for some €622, 404.00 in total.

List No 1 compiled (List 1) is pursuant to Section 1086, Taxes Consolidation Act, 1997, in respect of the period beginning on October 1st, 2014 and ending on December 31st,2014, of every person upon whom a fine or other penalty was imposed by a Court.
Total number of cases published amounted to 319 and the total amount of fines and penalties imposed, again nationally, was € 807,860.00

List No2 compiled (List2) is pursuant to section 1086 of the Taxes Consolidation act, 1997, in respect of the period beginning on  1st October 2014 and ending on 31st December 2014,of every person – in whose case the Revenue Commissioners accepted a settlement of the kind mentioned in Section 1086. The list also includes cases in which a Penalty Determination was made by the Courts in respect of the same period. The total number of settlements/determinations published was 99 and the total value of these settlements/determinations was slightly over €23 million.

Note: Settlements are not published where the amount is less than the threshold (€12,700, €30,000 or €33,000), where the amount of fine or other penalty does not exceed 15% of the amount of tax or where the taxpayer, in advance of any Revenue investigation, has voluntarily furnished complete information relating to undisclosed tax liabilities.

Cases identified and published relating to Co. Tipperary are listed under a total of 9 headings: e.g. Failure to Lodge VAT Return(s), Misuse of Marked Mineral Oil, Cigarette Smuggling, Illegal Selling of Cigarettes, Under Declaration of VAT, Under Declaration of Income Tax & Capital Gains Tax, Under Declaration of Income Tax, Under Declaration of Capital Gains Tax and Penalty Determination by the Courts, relating to an under declaration of Capital Gains Tax.


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