
Tipperary Hotel Temporarily Closed Last Month By FSAI

fsaiThe Food Safety Authority of Ireland (FSAI) have reported that some twelve Closure Orders and two Prohibition Orders were served countrywide on food businesses during the month of September for breaches of food safety legislation, pursuant to the FSAI Act, 1998 and the EC (Official Control of Foodstuffs) Regulations, 2010.

The Orders were issued by environmental health officers in the Health Service Executive.

Five of these countrywide Closure Orders were served under the FSAI Act, 1998, and included Kilcoran Lodge Hotel (excludes of sale and service of beverages at hotel bar), Kilcoran, Cahir, Co. Tipperary. This Closure Order was served on the 4th of September last; however the order was lifted again, to the satisfaction of environmental health officers, five days later on September 9th.

Commenting on the high number of closures last month, FSAI chief executive Prof Alan Reilly stated that some businesses were putting their customer’s health at risk by not complying with statutory legal obligations governing food safety and hygiene. “There are absolutely no excuses for negligent practices within the industry. The environmental health officers who inspect these food businesses continue to find unacceptable levels of non-compliance with food safety legislation,” he stated.

Food businesses seeking advice may contact the FSAI on Telephone 1890 336677 or visit the Food Safety Authority of Ireland website


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