
Public Meeting On Local Development in North Tipperary

ntlpImportant Community Notice

North Tipperary LEADER Partnership invite you to attend the Abbey Court Hotel, Nenagh, Co Tipperary on Thursday April 10th, 2014, at 8.00pm sharp.
The purpose of this meeting is to discuss responses to serious changes which will affect community development and the Rural Development Programme (LEADER) in North Tipperary.

What are the issues at stake in Tipperary?
• Proposed Privatisation of Community Services.
• Loss of Social inclusion Services.
• Loss of nearly €3 million funding for additional programmes and investment brought into North Tipperary through other schemes.
• Loss of community involvement in decision making.

NOTE: All are welcome to attend.

For further information, please contact: Tel: 067-56676

Mr Jim Finn, (Chairperson of  North Tipperary LEADER Partnership) reports;

“You may be aware of plans that are being progressed at national level, that will fundamentally change how rural and community development is delivered around Ireland. These changes signify a shift away from delivery by the community and voluntary sector towards statutory agencies and private companies. The implications of the planned changes are serious for all Local Development Companies including North Tipperary LEADER Partnership and the communities which we serve.

We are writing to invite you to a public meeting, the purpose of which is to raise awareness among individuals, community groups and other third sector organisations across North Tipperary of the planned changes in the delivery of the Local and Community Development Programme (social inclusion) and the Rural Development Programme (LEADER). The event will highlight the current role of NTLP and the impact of proposed changes on both communities and individuals. It will outline the implications for local communities and the community and voluntary sector in general of proposals that will likely lead to the privatisation of service delivery in some instances. It is envisaged that beneficiaries of our programmes/services will have an input at the event and that a cross section of goods and services will be displayed.

The Board and Staff of North Tipperary LEADER Partnership would very much appreciate your support and welcome your attendance at a Public Meeting on Thursday April 10th, 2014 at 8.00 pm in the Abbey Court Hotel, Nenagh.”

These serious proposed changes are being viewed by rural inhabitants as a denigration of rural community democracy and therefore as many people as possible are invited to attend, including those who currently are seeking office in the upcoming local & European elections.


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