
Michael Lowry Cleared By Political Standards Watchdog

North Tipperary Independent TD Michael Lowry

Michael Lowry TD

Independent North Tipperary TD Michael Lowry has been cleared by the Political Standards Watchdog, following complaints made regarding his non-declaration of land, understood to be partially owned by him in the North West of England.

Under Dáil Éireann rules, Irish TD’s are obliged to declare their ownership of all land worth over €13,000. A large number of individuals had complained that Mr Lowry had not included details of his part share in a 21-acre site located in Wigan, England, on his official Dáil Éireann declaration.

The Standards in Public Office Commission are understood to have hired professional land valuers who confirmed that the land owned by Mr Lowry was worth less than €13,000 and therefore exempted his need for any such declaration being necessarily required.

In correspondence to Mr Lowry, the Commission confirmed that having received the valuation report, it had decided that the evidence supplied was sufficient not to sustain the complaints received, and further confirmed that it had now decided not to pursue any further investigation into these complaints of non-declaration.


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