
Thurles Credit Union Launch Member’s Cash Draw 2013

Credit-UnionThurles Credit Union have today announced the 2013 launch of their hugely successful Member’s Cash Draw.

The draw has been running since 2001. Initially, cars were the major prizes but a survey of the members showed that cash prizes are the preferred option of the thousands taking part and the decision to change to cash only prizes has proven extremely popular.

What Makes Thurles Credit Union Member’s Cash Draw Different ?

Well, for one thing, every euro taken in is given directly back out in prizes since there is no beneficiary other than the membership themselves, and there are no administration fees or charges. Add in the fact that entry to the draw costs less than €1 per week (€40 per Year), and that you can opt to have the entry fee taken from your savings in the Credit Union, and you have a trouble-free and painless method of taking part.

The draw will be held monthly at Credit Union House in Parnell Street, & will commence on June 29th next and is confined to members of the Credit Union.

If you are a Credit Union member and already taking part in the draw, there is no need to do anything now as you will be automatically entered into the new draw. However, if you are a member of the Credit Union and not entered into the draw but would like to be, then you need to complete an application form to do so. As stated, you don’t have to hand over any money, since payment is by deduction from your account, once your application has been accepted.

Application forms are available at the office in Parnell Street or in the sub-offices in Urlingford or Killenaule, together with the rules of the draw.


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