
Body Of Tipperary Miner Recovered From Lisheen

deathWhile regrettably it will bring little comfort to his immediate inconsolable family and work colleagues, the body of the miner, who accidentally lost his life while working underground at Lisheen Mine, Moyne, in Co. Tipperary on April 4th last, has finally been recovered.

The remains of the late native of the Philippines, Mr Mario Francis, latter aged in his 40s and who is understood to have worked at the mine for over twelve years, was finally brought to the surface at 11.30pm, last evening.

Mr Francis tragically lost his life when the roof of a tunnel collapsed on Thursday evening last. His body has now been removed to Limerick General Hospital, where it is expected that a post-mortem examination will be carried out today.

A Health and Safety Authority investigation into the incident is continuing and the mine will remain closed until further notice.

Our thoughts today are with his family, friends and work colleagues. Go ndéana Dia trócaire ar a anam dílis.


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