
Tipp Independent TD Seamus Healy To Fight Property Tax

It would appear that Thomas Davis, editor of The Nation newspaper may have got it right after all, when in the 1840s he stated “Where Tipperary leads, Ireland follows.”

The Revenue Commissioners who began sending out, this month, notices to the owners of Tipperary’s housing stock, including flats and apartments, have stated that every property owner in the county should receive notification of their Property Tax levy, by the end of next week. Based on the number of teenagers, who own no property in the State, who have been incorrectly notified, this latter statement will be proven grossly incorrect.

However plans are presently being made here in Tipperary, to protest, latter which will see pickets placed on the offices of this county’s government party TDs and Senators, who have given sanction to this unjust and very controversial levy.

New Anti-Property Tax Campaign

The county campaign of protests against this tax is being launched by Independent TD Seamus Healy over the next two weeks. Deputy Healy will organise at least nine public meetings throughout Co. Tipperary, aimed at drumming up public support for Property Tax abolition.

The Deputy who heads-up the Workers & Unemployment Action Group, has invited people opposed to the imposition of this Property Tax to take part in a protest picket to be organised in South Tipperary, outside the constituency offices of Fine Gael TD Tom Hayes and Senator Landy at 3.00pm on Saturday, April 6th next. A plan to place Pickets outside the constituency offices of North Tipperary’s government party Oireachtas members will be announced at a later date when fully finalised.

Deputy Healy, has described the new Property Tax, as a “grossly unfair and unjust tax, failing to take into consideration a person’s ability to pay, while forcing a burden designed to target low and middle income families.  His campaign of opposition to the levy aims to put pressure on the parties in Government to scrap it.

The Revenue Commissioners, using draconian powers, based on a Tax Estimate system, aim to collect this tax from property owners, via PAYE Salaries, retired persons hard earned Pensions and through deductions from unemployed persons Social Welfare Payments. Whether they like it or not, the latter will be forced to pay in full.

Self employed businesses, on the other hand, through a little creative accounting, are in a position to introduce paper work via untraceable business receipts or cash payments, which are easily capable of going undetected in any possible future audits by the Revenue Commissioners, thus avoiding payment of this unjust tax. This Property Tax therefore is without doubt a tax on lower incomes, as gutless Labour Party supporters will learn from a new “Behaviour and Attitudes” poll, to be published in tomorrow’s Sunday Times newspaper.

Anti-Property Tax public meetings, presently being organised by Deputy Healy, will meet at the following venues during April, so do take note if you feel strongly about this issue.
Venues Are:-  Cahir House Hotel, Cahir next Tuesday April 2nd; The Carraig Hotel, Carrick-On-Suir next Wednesday April 3rd, Hearn’s Hotel, Clonmel on Thursday, April 4th, Tipperary Community Services Centre, Tipperary on Friday, April 5th, Kearney’s Castle Hotel Cashel on Monday, April 8th and St Mary’s Hall, Killenaule on Friday, April 12th.

Note: All meetings will commence at 8.00pm sharp, so come along to a venue near you and make your views known.


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