
Fianna Fáil Ahead Of Fine Gael In Latest Millward Brown Poll

MartinA new opinion poll, to be published tomorrow, confirms the findings of a similar poll published just last week which indicated that Fianna Fáil are presently the most popular political party in the country.

A Sunday Independent Millward Brown poll positions Fianna Fáil on support levels of some 27% or two points ahead of the Fine Gael party.

This poll places Fianna Fáil at 27% in public opinion with Fine Gael at 25%, Sinn Féin at 20%, Labour at 13%, Independents and others at 14% and finally, bringing up the rear, Greens and the United Left Alliance at 1% each.

Fianna Fáil’s current stance on the introduction of a 3% hike in the Universal Social Charge (USC) for those earning €100,000 and over, increased taxes on high earners, alcohol and junk food and their current position on the non-introduction of property tax, may be the reason for the party’s sudden rise in this poll.

These statistics are the first compiled in any poll taken since the deal on the Anglo Promissory Notes, suggesting that the present Fine Gael / Labour Coalition Government have received no ‘shot in the arm,’ since this recent European Central Bank (ECB) agreement.


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