
Thurles GIY – Together We Grow

giyThurles Grow It Yourself (GIY) are having their February monthly meeting on Wednesday next, the 13th, at the Cabragh Wetlands Centre at 7.30pm sharp.

This fast evolving organisation held their first ever meeting back on the 12th of November 2009.
Our vision is for a healthier, more sustainable and more connected world where people grow their own food, & we continue to inspire and empower people to grow their own by bringing them together in community groups and online to share tips, advice and expertise,” states local organiser Kathleen Murphy.

Founded in Ireland by Michael Kelly in 2009, there are now over 12,000 people involved in this rewarding hobby and over 100 GIY groups operating nationally. The organisation started in Australia in 2010 and was launched successfully in the UK in May 2011.

Spring has sprung,” jokes Kathleen, “so it’s that time of year again to start thinking, planning and preparing for growing your own vegetables for the next healthy harvest.

Kathleen & colleagues will be delighted & on hand to welcome all old hands and new members especially.

Tea/coffee will be available at the end of the meeting and with same refreshments will come the usual friendly welcoming chat and the gardening hints/advice.

I promise you will find no unscrupulous food producers here and no beef products made from low-value cuts and trimmings, sourced from multiple slaughtering facilities and imported in frozen blocks, dumped courtesy of greedy European exporters.

In the words of GIY founder Michael Kelly, “Take back control and reduce our reliance on a food chain that has lost its way so entirely and so completely, that it is now creating food that barely deserves to be called “FOOD,” any-more.”

Remember: February 13th, 7.30pm sharp, Cabragh Wetlands Centre.


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