
Budget Leaks Taken In Perspective

Current reliable Irish statistics inform us that there are 250,000 children currently residing in families that now live below the poverty line.

Just a few short weeks ago we had the Children’s Referendum, held to supposedly strengthen the rights of children under our Irish Constitution. With this Children’s Referendum amendment now passed & with less then one week to go until Budget Day, planned leaks state that our current Fine Gael & Labour coalition government are about to cut child benefit. Such cuts, if true, would reduce benefits from €140 per month, per child, to €130, thus hitting these same vulnerable children and their families the hardest.

With each recent budget introduced, there has been a deepening of divisions within Irish society and this action, if continued, can now only lead to Greek style protests.

All policy choices made in next weeks Budget needs to be carefully assessed, not in just monetary terms, but in terms of how they will immediately impact on those in society who already cannot afford a basic minimum standard of living.

Any, & indeed all changes must be proportionate and equitable and based solely on the ability of different sectors of Irish society to pay.

While a large majority of the present electorate have given up all hope of Fine Gael leading us out of this current recession, the question now remains has the Labour Party forgotten its founders, James Connolly, James Larkin and William X. O’Brien and their birthplace here in Clonmel Tipperary, one hundred years ago?

Remember The Words Of One Labour Party Founder, James Connolly

Quote “Ireland, as distinct from her people, is nothing to me; and the man who is bubbling over with love and enthusiasm for “Ireland,” and can yet pass unmoved through our streets and witness all the wrong and the suffering, the shame and the degradation wrought upon the people of Ireland, yea, wrought by Irishmen upon Irish men and women, without burning to end it, is, in my opinion, a fraud and a liar in his heart, no matter how he loves that combination of chemical elements he is pleased to call Ireland.” (Brendan Howlin & Joan Burton take special note.)

Meanwhile, note your TD’s Salary – € 92,675. Expenses €12,000 to €37,850 for unvouched travel & accommodation. €12,000 unvouched or €25,700 vouched for office costs. Automatic right to employ wife or other family members. Subsidised Dáil Bar, Free Gym and wait for it … FREE VHI Membership … etc etc.

No 77 minute road trip to an over burdened Limerick Hospital waiting room for our pampered over paid TD’s.


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