
HSE & Gardaí Investigate Nenagh Peeping Tom

According to Stephen Breen in today’s Irish ‘The Sun,’ newspaper, a suspected “Peeping Tom,” incident is being investigated, following the discovery of a hidden secret camera recording device, at a busy ambulance station in Nenagh, Co.Tipperary.

The device, found in a ladies toilet, was hidden in a surgical glove box and it is suspected that same was being used to record images of female employees. A spokesperson for the HSE has refused to comment, but stated that a member of their ambulance service, in the Mid West Region, had been suspended from duty. It is understood that Gardaí are also investigating the incident.

The device is understood to have been discovered accidently by a female paramedic, however it is not known how long the device was operational or indeed how long it was in position in the toilet building.


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