
Add Fairtrade Products To Your Shopping List

The FAIRTRADE Mark is an independent consumer label that you can find, as you go about your daily shopping, on over 75 branded products on sale here, presently, in Thurles. This mark acts as a guarantee that disadvantaged producers in the developing world are getting a fair deal for their produce.

In order for any product to display the FAIRTRADE Mark, it must meet high international Fairtrade standards. Often people think that Fairtrade products are mainly just tea and coffee. Nowadays this is far from reality with cotton, flowers, wine and olive oil amongst the numerous Fairtrade products in Thurles shops.

Producer organisations that supply Fairtrade products are inspected and certified by Fairtrade Labelling Organisations International (FLO). They receive a minimum price that covers the cost of sustainable production and an extra premium that is invested in social or economic development initiatives. These give people a chance to better their own living and working conditions.

As an individual you can make a difference by:

  1. Asking local shops to stock Fairtrade products.
  2. Asking for Fairtrade tea and coffee every time you are in your local café/restaurant.
  3. Encouraging the company you work for to use Fairtrade tea and coffee.
  4. Expand your shopping list of Fairtrade goods to include bananas, chocolate, sugar, honey, dried fruit, snacks, juice, wine and gifts, to name a few.

According to a new global survey of 17,000 consumers in 24 countries, which was conducted in 2011, Fairtrade International consumers across the world remain firm in their belief that their shopping choices can make a very positive difference for farmers and workers in developing countries.

Contrary to what might be expected during the recession, Fairtrade sales continue to grow in Ireland. In 2010 consumer spending on Fairtrade Certified products grew by an impressive 17%, from €118 million in 2009, to €138 million in 2010. Ireland now has one of the highest per capita spends on Fairtrade Certified products anywhere in the world.

Do you support Thurles Fairtrade?


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