
Three Tipperary Gardai Escape Serious Injury

Three garda officers were brought by ambulance to Portlaoise General Hospital early on Saturday morning, having narrowly escaped more serious injury, when thieves unhitched a trailer attached to their stolen vehicle, during a high-speed chase.

The incident began at around 1.30am on Saturday morning last when a garda patrol car, near Templemore, encountered a blue Isuzu Trooper 4×4, which had been stolen near Thurles on Thursday last. The Isuzu is understood to have been towing a trailer containing a quad bike, tyres, a power washer and miscellaneous other items.

The 4×4, containing 3 people, failed to stop when signalled to do so,  instead taking off at high speed and taking advantage of a maze of local rural roads in the area to escape detection.

During the chase which ensued, one of the occupants emerged from the back of the jeep and threw stolen tyres, tools and bars at the following patrol car.  As the vehicle chase continued towards Borrisoleigh, another of the thieves emerged from the 4×4, unhitching the trailer and its contents, in a bid to crash it into the garda patrol car. Failing in their bid to halt the pursuing car, the thieves next turned their vehicle around and rammed it into the patrol car on several occasions.

When the patrol car eventually managed to corner the stolen vehicle, the three thieves fled through adjoining fields. However officers did manage to capture one of the occupants, detaining him.  Gardai continue in their hunt for the other two men involved.

During the incident one of the officers did sustained minor back injuries, but all three were released from hospital later in the day.

The arrested man was last night being questioned at Templemore garda station and Gardai have established that the trailer and quad bike were stolen near Nenagh.

Gardai are appealing for anyone who may have information to contact Templemore garda station on 0504-32630.


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