
Tipperary Volunteer Fair In Thurles Huge Success

Volunteers taking part in the North Tipperary Volunteer Fair, held in Thurles Shopping Centre this evening, report the event as being an excellent public relations exercise for their various organisations.

This event, which was funded by the European Commission, was successfully organised by North Tipperary Volunteer Fair Steering Committee, led by the Europe Direct Information Centre here in Thurles Library.

Hundreds of shoppers stopped off to the various stands, who proudly explained their goals and the magnificent work being carried out by each of the organisation represented.

A wide variety of stands displayed their wares, including GIY, ICA, Thurles Fairtrade, Tipperary Regional Youth Service, Irish Girl Guides, Upperchurch-Drombane Development Association, Cabragh Wetlands, Irish Pilgrimage Trust, Rainbows, Thurles Toast Masters, Cava, An Taisce, Hidden Tipperary, St.Mary’s Famine Museum, Thurles Special Needs and many more.

Other similar Fairs will take place this month in Damer Court Hotel in Roscrea on Saturday 23rd from 12.00-3.00 p.m. and Nenagh Arts Centre on Sunday 24th from 12.00-3.00 p.m.

Congratulations to Ann Marie Brophy, Executive Librarian, here at Thurles Library for her excellent organisation of this event and to the many who pledged assistance goes the thanks of the organisations involved.


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