
Thurles Archbishop And Priest Celebrate Jubilee’s

Archbishop Dr Dermot Clifford

Cashel Town Council recently accorded a Civic Reception to Thurles’s Dr Dermot Clifford (Archbishop of Cashel and Emly) to mark the Silver Jubilee of his episcopal ordination.

Acting Deputy Mayor, Cllr. Maribel Wood said “It is indeed an honour for me to accord this reception and I extended a special welcome to attending members of Dr Clifford’s family. This is the highest honour this council can bestow on any individual and we salute you on this happy occasion, while also acknowledging the significant contribution made to the life of Cashel by the church and archbishops, over many centuries in Cashel. Both have contributed to the religious, social and economic development of this town and that legacy is still a life-blood of our economy to this day.”

Meanwhile in Salt Lake City, latter twinned with Thurles Town, some fifty years ago an ordained priest Fr. Jim Semple, arrived in Utah from Fianna Road, Thurles, Co Tipperary, as an assistant pastor at Saint Joseph’s Parish in Ogden.  His arrival marked the start of a long journey of guidance, care, love and long service for this priest, who 50 years forward, continues today to help and guide Catholics in Utah.

Fr. P. Carley And Dog Sally

Bishop John Wester congratulates Father Jim Semple

Although retired Fr. Semple continues to celebrate daily Mass at ‘St. Joseph the Worker‘ Parish, he also helps Fr. Patrick F. Carley, pastor of the Parish in West Jordan, Salt Lake City, in his daily routine.

Coincidentally Fr. Pat Carley was an altar boy at Father Semple’s ordination in Thurles. Fr. Carley who celebrated his own 40th anniversary of his ordination to the priesthood in June, 2009, is a past pupil of Thurles CBS and a former member of Thurles ‘Cumann Cheoil agus Rinnce.’

Fr Pat has been on Tours to Thurles with various Salt Lake City groups, for many years, and from St. Mary’s Famine Museum committee goes a big “Hello, and Congrats.”

Father Jim Semple was presented with the Jubilee Award by Monsignor Terence M. Moore, president of the Presbytery’s Council and by the Most Reverend John C. Wester, Bishop of Salt Lake City.

From all here in Thurles go our congratulations and good wishes to all of you.


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