
Path To Better Health Is Walking

Slí na Sláinte translated from the Irish reads ‘Path to Health ‘ has been developed by the Irish Heart Foundation – the national heart and stroke charity – it’s the outgoing way to make walking far more enjoyable.

Already, it’s capturing the attention of young and old, not only in Ireland but in Europe and other parts of the world also. So it should, because it’s a fun, healthy way for the average adult to accumulate the recommended 30 minutes of physical activity each days of the week.

You’ll find Slí na Sláinte walking routes all over Ireland. They are marked by bright, colourful signposts which are not numbered and are situated at 1 km intervals apart. Simply follow the Km signs, set your pace to suit your enjoyment and you’ll quickly feel better and gently get fitter.

Slí na Sláinte Walk Ways In Thurles

The Green Route – Racecourse Road Slí na Sláinte is 2.0 km long or 4km return and starts at St Josephs and St Bridgets Church, Bohernanave. The route continues along Bohernanave Road, past Semple Stadium and then turns left at the junction to Castlemeadows. Continue to the Roundabout at Tipperary Institute and take left onto Racecourse Road. Continue straight out Killinan to the end of the footpath (see Racecourse on right). At mapboard  return along the same route back to St. Josephs and St. Bridgets Church.

The Red Route – Slievenamon Road Sli na Sláinte is also a 2.0 km long or 4km return journey and starts at Slievenamon Road Car Park. The route continues along Slievenamon Road and then goes straight through the roundabout at Dunnes Stores Shopping Centre onto Clongour. Continue straight out past Thurles Golf Club to the top of the hill (Turtulla Cross).  At the mapboard then return along the same route back to Slievenamon Road Car Park.

Walkers Take Note

(1) If you’re not in the habit of taking regular exercise, do start slowly, enjoy being out and about while  gradually building up to your recommended 30 minutes walking each day.

(2) Drink a glass of water before and after your walk and, don’t forget, wear suitable comfortable shoes. Gradually warm up at the beginning and cool down towards the end. Remember, loose clothing is more comfortable and in winter, choose layers rather than thick, chunky clothes.

(3) Why not try to incorporate walking into your daily activities. Walk to work, to meetings or the shops. If you have a history of heart trouble or other significant medical illness, talk to your doctor before you start.

(4) Important: Stop if you experience unusual symptoms such as chest pain, dizziness or breathlessness, and do consult your doctor ASAP.

(5) Why not invite a good friends, family member or work colleagues to join you in your walk, for chat and a bit of banter.

One final observation, “If you think nobody cares about you, try missing a couple of payments.”


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