
Barack Obama’s Ancestoral Church & Schoolhouse Moneygall

Deputy Noel Coonan has warmly greeted the news that US President Barack Obama will visit Moneygall in May and highly complimented the efforts of Rev Canon Stephen Neill and the residents of Moneygall, in helping to secure this visit.

The local Fine Gael TD spoke with Taoiseach Enda Kenny prior to his St. Patrick’s Day trip to the US last week and hand delivered documents, from Canon Neill, to the Taoiseach which were then taken to America.

School & Templeharry Church, where US President Barack Obama's ancestors attended.

These same documents outlined the President’s strong ancestral history in Moneygall ( Village name means ‘shrubbery of the foreigners.’) and Deputy Coonan said he is pleased that his efforts have further assisted this historical visit to come to fruition.

Deputy Coonan stated: “I look forward with great excitement to President Obama’s visit, which will also be a huge tourism boost to this area. The people of Moneygall have shown great patience, good will and dedication to ensure that this visit materialises and those same traits will be fully recognised when President Obama comes to our constituency in May next. It will be indeed a momentous and uplifting occasion for our constituency.

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