
Mansergh To Lose Dáil Seat Would Be A Suicidal Act

Dr Martin Mansergh

Fianna Fáil Minister of State Dr Martin Mansergh looks set to lose his Dáil seat in Tipperary South, according to an Irish Times /Ipsos MRBI constituency poll.

The poll also shows Mattie ‘The Deer Hunter,‘ McGrath, a former Fianna Fáil TD, who turned Independent in an effort to improve his chances in the upcoming General Election, will be in a battle for the final seat in the three-seat constituency with Labour Party senator Phil Prendergast.

While I have no sympathy for ‘Deer HunterMcGrath – “If you have men who will exclude any of God’s creatures from the shelter of compassion and pity, you will have men who will deal likewise with their fellow men.“- Quote from St. Francis of Assisi, and I have not voted for Fianna Fáil, since I cannot remember when, but I feel that for Dr Martin Mansergh to loose his seat as a public representative, would be a backward step for South Tipperary and Ireland.

To be rational and fair-minded this Tipperary-born Irish and Commonwealth historian has made a huge contribution to this island of ours, take a look at his record to date.

  1. Elected to Seanad Éireann on the Agricultural Panel after nomination by the Irish Thoroughbred Breeders Association, 2002.
  2. Prior to appointment as Minister of State, member of the Excel Heritage Board, Tipperary and trustee of Cashel Bolton Library.
  3. Involved in the expansion of Overseas Development Assistance since 1992.
  4. Argued the merits of Fianna Fáil adopting the national minimum wage during the 2002 election.
  5. Promoted economic and tax strategy, including the introduction of tax credits.
  6. Argued the merits of reinstating the full Christmas bonus to Social Welfare recipients.
  7. Argued the merits of future public transport investment.
  8. Promoted historical and cultural projects, like the Pearse family home, the Irish College in Paris, the Boyne battle site, and Cathedral restorations.
  9. Member of the Delegation and of the official Steering Group for the Good Friday Agreement negotiations.
  10. Was Northern Ireland Advisor to three Taoisigh and leaders of Fianna Fáil over 21 years, 1981-2002.
  11. Conducted discussions with IRSP prior to INLA ceasefire and responsible for dialogue with Sinn Féin leadership and with Church intermediaries, including those in touch with Unionist and Loyalist leaderships, prior to first and second IRA ceasefires.
  12. He worked on the text of what subsequently became known as Hume-Adams and in expanded form the Downing Street Declaration.
  13. He was winner with Fr. Reid and Rev Roy Magee of the Tipperary Peace Prize.

He is also ‘cheaper to run,‘ than Mattie McGrath and uses public transport to get about. South Tipp Fianna Fail TD and play actor Mattie McGrath, between the 2007 General Election and September 2009, collected over €161,500, in expenses while Minister of State Martin Mansergh claimed a mere €73,272 during the same period.

Let us notthrow out the baby with the bath water” here, in our haste to rid this country of Fianna Fáil, we need persons of proven academic ability in the Dáil, even if they are in opposition and even Mattie will acknowledge that Mansergh has “bought and sold a banbh at a fair.

I am still searching for Mattie McGrath’s major contribution to National Politics and as for Labour Senator Phil Prendergast of Clonmel, who attended only 18 out of 55 votes in Seanad Éireann in 2009, enough said.


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