
Wikileaks CIA Link To Shot Tipperary Native

Tipperary native Michael Dwyer pictured with Eduardo Rozsa

Wikileaks cable reveals that a Bolivian prosecutor believed that one of the men travelling with Tipperary native Michael Dwyer, when he travelled to Bolivia in 2009 was in regular contact with a former CIA agent.

Mr Dwyer, 24, from Ballinderry in Tipperary, a construction management graduate of the Galway-Mayo institute of Technology, was shot in most controversial circumstances in Bogota on 16 April 2009. His family have since called for an International inquiry into his death.

The family have been adamant that Mr Dwyer travelled to the US and later to Bolivia to train as a bodyguard.

This confidential memo, written by John Creamer, the chargé d’affaires at the American embassy in Bolivia, reports that Marcelo Soza, a prosecutor, investigating the case, believes one of Mr Dwyer’s travelling companions, Eduardo Rozsa, was in contact with an alleged ex-CIA employee named “Belovays“.

The evidence is understood to have come from “a review of Rozsa’s computer hard drive which uncovered evidence of email communication.”

Although this prosecutor stopped short of accusing the CIA of backing Rozsa’s mercenary group, we can expect that Bolivia officials will make that claim, regardless of the evidence,” Mr Creamer claims.

It is believed that Mr Dwyer may have met Rozsa through two men, Tibor Révész and Elod Tóásó, whom he encountered while he worked as a security guard at the Corrib gas pipeline site in Rossport, Co Mayo.

A Bolivian autopsy said that Mr Dwyer died of six gunshot wounds inflicted during a shootout with police, but Irish state pathologist Dr Marie Cassidy later fully contradicted this report, during an Irish inquest, saying there was only one fatal shot through his heart.

The coroner later directed the jury to return an open verdict.

The Bolivian prosecutor said computer files showed Rozsa was in constant contact with Belovays and kept him informed of his group’s activities and plans.

It was claimed in 2009 that there was a half hour shoot out between an elite army unit and the so-called “mercenaries” which included Mr Dwyer.  However, the proprietor of the hotel where the men stayed have denied this. The men were also accused of taking refuge in the hotel after being chased by this army unit. However, press photographs show that the dead men were in their underwear. Mr Dwyer is shown in one photograph lying beside his bed. There were no guns to be seen in the photographs taken of the corpeses, nor were there any shell casings.

Mr Dwyer’s parents Caroline and Martin and siblings Ciara, Aisling and Emmett, vehemently refute claims from the Bolivian authorities that the 24-year-old was part of a terrorist plot to assassinate President Evo Morales.
This new claim appears to fully justify the families claim that Mr Dwyer may have been murdered because of association, rather than by implication, in the supposed plot to assassinate Bolivian President Evo Morales.


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