
Beds Re-Open At Mid Western Regional Hospital Dooradoyle

The number of people waiting on trolleys at the Mid Western in Limerick should be greatly reduced, following an agreement with the HSE to re-open 27 beds.

With the closure of Nenagh Hospital, the Mid Western Regional Hospital in Limerick now serves residents of North Tipperary.

The Irish Nurses and Midwives Organisation have successfully secured the re-opening of these beds  in Wards 4C and 2B, following a two day meeting with HSE management.

Latest figures from the Irish Nurses and Midwives Organisation (INMO) show that there are 22 people currently waiting on Hospital trolley’s at the Mid Western Regional in Dooradoyle.

The re-opened wards had been reduced to operating only 5 days a week due to funding cuts.  The decision to open again came only hours before nursing staff at the hospital were to implement a strict work-to-rule.

Mary Fogarty, Industrial Relations Officer with the INMO, stated that the re-opening of these beds will now allow greater ease in terms of managing patients, and ensuring safer practises with regard to disease control, while possibly also ensuring that those attending the hospital will actually get a bed.
It is understood that these beds will now open, as from Monday next.


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