
Gurteen College Hosts Cross Compliance Event

Teagasc, the Irish Agriculture and Food Development Authority are inviting all members of the farming community to attend an important Cross Compliance event.

Cross Compliance is a key component of the Single Farm Payment (SFP) and the decoupling of subsidies from production. Cross compliance is the principle that farm subsidy payments are linked to compliance with basic standards and if a farmer is applying for SFP, then cross compliance applies to every hectare of farm-able land that the farmer occupies.

Directions to Gurteen Agri College

Farmers must comply with all legislation affecting their businesses. The significance of cross-compliance is that farmers’ receipt of direct aids depends on their doing so. Cross-compliance is not a new concept, but it has been voluntary for Member States until now and applied only to environmental standards.

Cross Compliance is now compulsory. All farmers receiving direct payments, even when they are not yet part of the SPS, will be subject to Cross Compliance and it has been extended beyond compliance with environmental rules, to include new requirements regarding public, animal and plant health, animal welfare, and the maintenance of all agricultural land, in good agricultural and environmental condition.

This important Cross Compliance Event will be held on Tuesday next November 23rd, starting at 10.30 am in Gurteen Agricultural College.

Discussion and Practical Events will provide guidance to the farming community on all aspects of Cross Compliance particularly under the following headings:-

  1. Preparing Farmers for Cross Compliance On-Farm Inspections.
  2. Avoiding Unnecessary Penalties.
  3. Complying with On-Going EU Farm Legislation.

All are welcome to attend this very important event.


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