
Fine Gael’s Selection Convention In Thurles

Fine Gael's Enda Kenny, Noel Coonan and Paidraig Culbert at Tipperary Institute.

The ribbon on Deputy Noel Coonan’ s new office on Main Street, Roscrea will be officially cut by Fine Gael Leader Enda Kenny this coming Friday 29th at 6.30pm, ahead of the party’s Selection Convention in Thurles.

Enda Kenny who visits Roscrea at the invitation of Deputy Coonan, will call to employers in the region to discuss their business prospects into the future and how Fine Gael in power will help stimulate economic growth through policies such as New ERA and Hope for a Lost Generation.

Only last week in the Dáil, Fine Gael’s Private Members Motion called on the Government to introduce a loan guarantee scheme for small and medium sized businesses to help them back on their feet and on the road to recovery.

Deputy Kenny has put the Fine Gael party on an election footing; the result of which is this convention taking place in the Anner Hotel, Thurles this Friday at 8.30pm.

Deputy Coonan is the sole Fine Gael candidate, nominated by party members in the Tipperary North constituency to represent the people and contest the forthcoming General Election.

Speaking ahead of the convention, Noel Coonan, local Fine Gael TD said:

“This is a crucial time for the country and for North Tipperary. I am inviting people to come to Thurles this Friday where Deputy Kenny will outline how Fine Gael’s plan will repeat history by pulling the country out of a deep recession created by this Government of Fianna Fáil, Greens and Independents who played a major part in creating this crisis. Fine Gael has come to the rescue of this country in the past and we will do so again; now and into the future.”

Deputy Coonan’s Roscrea office recently moved location from 1 Rosemount to the more centrally-located former Music Store on Main Street. The new premises is ideally situated and the local TD will be in attendance in the clinic and is also available by appointment on (0505) 31655 or (086) 2427733.

Noel Coonan, Fine Gael TD, also wishes to apologise for any inconvenience caused during the transfer of offices.


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