
Back To School Clothing And Footwear Payments Delayed

Back To School

With the start of the new school year only days away, and many more late applications expected, the Health Service Executive (HSE) admit that a massive 33,192 crucial back-to-school payment forms currently lie unopened nationally.

Parents are being forced to take out Credit Union loans in their efforts to help meet the costs of required new uniforms and school shoes.

The HSE has confirmed that some families would now not receive payments until after many schools re-open, however some of these affected were parents whose  application arrived late.

The North Tipperary region is amongst the countries worst defaulters, where no final decision has been made on almost half of all applications applied for under this grant aid.

Many low-income and lone parents depend on the Back to School Clothing and Footwear Allowance to send their children back to school.


A. €200 in respect of children aged 2 to 11 on the 30th September 2010;
B. €305 in respect of children aged 12 to 17 on the 30th September 2010;
C. €305 in respect of children aged 18 to 22 on the 30th September 2010 who are in full time education.
D. As a special measure introduced in Budget 2009, an additional amount of €215 is payable for children aged 18 ONLY in respect of whom compensatory Child Benefit is in payment.Total payment in respect of eligible children aged 18 is €520.

Applications forms are now available at: or at

Parents who are concerned about their application are advised to contact their local office or the HSE information line,  Tel: 1850 24 18 50.


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