
Government Fail To Provide Vetting Procedures For Summer Camps

Enda Kenny

Fine Gael Leader, Enda Kenny, has questioned the Minister for Justice, Dermot Ahern, regarding the number of applications being processed and the length of time being taken for such processing, by the Garda Central Vetting Unit.

In 2009, the Garda Vetting Unit, which is based here in Thurles, dealt with some 246,194 applications, however at present it is taking between 10 to 12 weeks to process current applications.

Garda vetting, for the Youth Work Sector, was formally introduced in September 2006, following protracted negotiations and a campaign seeking such vetting for these organisations. The Garda Commissioner approved a policy whereby An Garda Siochana should conduct Garda vetting in respect of all persons, 16 years of age and over, who had substantial and unsupervised access to children and vulnerable adults.

Deputy Kenny stated:

“The waiting period of 10 to 12 weeks is having an impact on many constituents throughout the country, where they may urgently require their application to be approved in a more timely fashion. A significant number of parents are quite concerned that many Summer Camps this year, who cover a wide variety of interests, are being operated without personnel having been suitably vetted before gaining access to children. This is now an area that requires immediate priority, in the interests of children’s welfare.”


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