
Wanted For Child Sex Offences – Dennis Stephen Bowskill

Denis Stephen Bowskill (Troop)

Police in Lancashire, England would like the following information circulated across Europe. This information has being sent to Church Child Protection Advisory Service member organisations etc, in case it should be relevant to any work in which the Church or child organisation are currently involved.

Police are anxious to trace the whereabouts of Mr Dennis Stephen Bowskill, also known as Dennis Stephen Troop.
Date of birth: 18th September 1966.
Last known address: 13, Albert Street, Padiham, Lancashire, England.
Description: Bowskill is described as being around 5 feet four inches tall, of medium build with short dark brown but greying hair and a ginger beard. He is softly spoken, with a North West English accent.

Mr Bowskill is currently numbered amongst the most wanted men sought by police in England and was featured on the BBC Crime Watch show last Wednesday, June 9th.

Mr Bowskill is regarded as a dangerous child sex offender, and has already been charged with creating multiple indecent images of young children.

How Mr Bowskill Operates:

His practise to date is to target vulnerable single mothers and then move on to abuse their daughters, including the taking of photographic images. He uses church attendance as a way of introducing himself to his intended victims.

Mr Bowskill (or Mr Troop) failed to appear in Court on March 8th last and the police believe they have traced him to Calais. School teachers and those with responsibility for young children here in Ireland are presently being warned that he could travel in our direction.
Police believe that he will quickly seek to make contact with a church to request support, because he presently has limited financial means.

A European arrest warrant has been issued for his arrest.

Anyone with any information is asked to immediately contact police.


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