
Roscrea – Post Office Raid And Vanishing Machinery

Police in Roscrea are busy today investigating machinery stolen from the M7 Motorway works site near Moneygall and an attempted armed raid on Moneygall Post Office.

Police need your help.

Machinery Stolen

In the former case, machinery estimated at around €60 thousand was stolen from a motorway works site near Moneygall, President Barack Obama’s ancestral home, overnight.

The machinery which consisted of two rock breakers, weighing over seven tonne, were stolen sometime between 9 o’clock last night and 6.30 this morning and investigators believe that the removal of this machinery would have required the assistance of at least an 8-wheeler removal vehicle .

Significant damage is also believed to have been caused to another ‘digger’ at this site possibly during the theft.

Armed Raid

In the latter, case a man fled from Moneygall Post Office following an attempted armed raid in the early hours of  this morning.

A lone male, described as being around 5ft 11inches in height, wearing a dark tracksuit bottoms with a white stripe, a grey ‘Hoody’ and white standard runners entered the shop just before 7.00 am.

Producing a knife, he ordered the shopkeeper to hand over the contents of the till, however he ran from the shop, empty handed, when the owner began shouting for assistance.

As part of their investigations, Gardai in Roscrea are asking anyone who may have information regarding these events or who may have been in the vicinity, to contact them at Tel No.0505 24230.


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