
Taro Pharmaceuticals To Cease Operations In Roscrea

Taro Pharmaceuticals Roscrea

Taro Pharmaceuticals Ireland Ltd, what was once the flagship of employment in the Mid West region, is to cease operations with the loss of 31 jobs in Roscrea, Co.Tipperary.

Taro is a multinational, science-based pharmaceutical company, dedicated to meeting the needs of its customers through the discovery, development, manufacturing and marketing of the highest quality health care products.

The former Antigen Factory announced the closure despite a number of measures in recent months to attempt to save jobs at it’s Roscrea facility.

An angry Deputy Noel Coonan expressed deep regret at the announcement by Taro Pharmaceuticals stating:-

“This is another psychological blow for the town. After a number of fake dawns, this once great Antigen factory will finally grind to a halt. This former Antigen, now Taro Pharmaceuticals, has historically provided meaningful employment in Roscrea for many decades but now the locks and bolts will be chained on the gates.

It’s a sad day for the town of Roscrea and for all those who worked there.
This closure of Taro Pharmaceuticals brings to mind the comments of Denis Brosnan, Chairman of the Mid West Task Force when he recently said that the Government and State Agencies such as the IDA and Enterprise Ireland have failed the Mid West Region. This is certainly true of Roscrea and I’m calling on the Minister for Enterprise, Trade and Employment Mary Coughlan TD to direct the necessary resources and expertise towards Roscrea in an attempt to stop the hemorrhaging of jobs.

In Roscrea over the last two years job seekers payments are up by 987 or 100%. The time for talking has long since passed. It’s time for action. For too long the Government, through the State Agencies, failed to deliver infrastructural development to North Tipperary and in particular to the Roscrea region. Numerous areas are still without high speed Internet access despite the richness of the Celtic Tiger era. This lack of competitiveness and infrastructural shortfall exists as a result of flawed Government policy. It is a major hindrance in attracting companies to the area and an issue I am continually highlighting to the Minister of Communications. The highly skilled employees who worked in Taro Pharmaceuticals will now become another number on the dole queue. My heart goes out to all who have been left jobless and their families. It is shocking that this Government, the Greens and the Independents who support it, are so willing to bail out the banks while preying on the little people,” he concluded.


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