
Product Recall On Bonsoy Milk By Food Safety Authority

Bonsoy Soya Milk

The Food Safety Authority of Ireland (FSAI) today advised that a product recall is being undertaken on a soya drink called ‘Bonsoy’, which has been found to contain high levels of iodine, which can affect the function of the thyroid gland and may cause some people to feel unwell.

The product is available from Health Food Shops and cafés, the latter which uses the product in the production of Latte (from the Italian caffelatte, meaning “coffee and milk”).
The authority was alerted after nine people, aged between 29 and 47, and an infant child, reported feeling unwell after using the brand. One of the victims, a newborn infant became ill due to its mother drank Bonsoy Soy Milk during her pregnancy.

Consumers are being warned not to consume the affected Bonsoy product, manufactured by Muso Co. Ltd , distributed by Spiral Foods Ltd,  which is packaged in 1 litre tetra pack containers.
Testing found drinking just one-eighth of a cup of Bonsoy, which is imported from Japan, would exceed the daily safety limit of 1,100 micrograms. A healthy daily iodine intake is about 80-150 micrograms for adults.

Following a withdrawal of the product by the food safety authorities in Australia and New Zealand, the FSAI is currently in the process of contacting Irish distributors and suppliers of Bonsoy to ensure that all affected product is withdrawn from sale. The FSAI is continuing to monitor this withdrawal.

Bonsoy soya drink contains ‘Kombu’ which is a seaweed product that naturally contains iodine. Iodine is an essential element required to produce thyroid hormones. However, if consumption levels exceed tolerable daily intakes, the thyroid function may be affected.

Consumers who have the affected product are advised not to drink it and to dispose of it or return it to the store where it was purchased. Consumers who have already consumed this product over a prolonged period and who thinks they may be affected are urged to consult their doctor for medical advice.

The recalled product is described as follows:- Bonsoy Soy Milk, 1 litre: All dates up to and including  Best Before 03.11.11; APN/EAN/TUN Number 9312336049037.

The product claimed to slow the aging process and help prevent arteriosclerosis, to lower cholesterol levels, prevent fatty liver, prevent breast cancer and prostate cancer and strengthens bones, while moderating the symptoms of menopausal disorder caused from a decrease of female hormones.


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