
GAA 125th Celebrations In Thurles

Michael Cusack 1847- 1906 founder of the Gaelic Athletic Association

Michael Cusack 1847- 1906 founder of the Gaelic Athletic Association

Among the many functions being held country-wide to mark the 125th anniversary of the Gaelic Athletic Association, is a novel idea arranged by a number of teachers in the Co. Tipperary Education Centre here in Thurles.

All of the primary schools in town were invited to submit projects to mark this special occasion, and the response from the students has been magnificent.

The results of their endeavours are on show in Tipperary Institute, and include videos conceived and produced by the students themselves, along with drawings, displays, pictures and essays.

All the work will be recognised on Wednesday 4th November in the Institute at a function to be attended by a number of dignitaries, including members of the Tipperary Senior hurling panel.

Now this is where the novel idea comes into being.

A number of local actors will stage a re-enactment of the very first meeting of the Gaelic Athletic Association, held in Miss Hayes’ Hotel, Main Street, Thurles, on November 1st 1884, with a specially commissioned script based on contemporary accounts of the meeting.

It is hoped to have a link with the Michael Cusack Centre in Clare during the presentation.

This event promises to be an historical and educational evening.


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