
Tipperary TD’s And Senators Expenses Unveiled

Tipperary’s six Dail Deputies and four Senators have claimed close to €1.2 million in allowances and expenses since the 2007 Irish General Election.

Independent Michael Lowry had the highest of the North Tipperary T.D’s at €1 short of €160,000.

 The Dail in Summer

The Dail in Summer

Fine Gaels Noel Coonan claimed allowances and expenses totalling over €151,000.

Mattie McGrath, South Tipp Fianna Fail, collected over €161,500.

Fine Gaels Tom Hayes claimed most with just over €178,000.

Minister of State Martin Mansergh claimed €73,272, while former Junior Minister Maire Hoctor had the lowest figures with just a miserable €54,632.

Nationally Ceann Comhairle John O’Donoghue, South Kerry Deputy, as expected, topped the poll, claiming a total of allowances and expenses of over €329,000 for the same period.

Tipperary’s four Senators claimed expenses and allowances totalling almost €388,000 for this two year period.

Fianna Fails John Hanafin tops the poll in Tipperary with the highest claims for allowances and expenses at almost €113,000.

Labhras O’Murchu was next past the line as party colleague, claiming just over €109,000.

Representative of the working man, Labour Party Member Phil Prendergast claimed €99,000. Thought she only attended 18 votes out of 55 in the Seanad, still may be I got it wrong.

While Labour’s Alan Kelly only claimed  €66,500, but then of course he had the worst voting records in the Seanad so far in 2009.  Still this small sum should help pay for the European Union “Thank You Party“.

The average claims for the 60 Seanad members alone stood at €94,000, give or take a cent or two, and in case you have forgotten this is on top of their basic salaries which ranges from a miserable €70,000 to €75,000 per year.

Recent report in the Irish Independent newspaper lists all claims lodged by all members since 2007.

Still it’s refreshing to note that the recession is hitting all our salaries equally.


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