
Tipperary Credit Unions Launch Photo Competition

To give them due credit (no pun intended) when it comes to obtaining financial and other assistance for local projects which greatly benefit  local communities, Credit Unions have always been to the fore.
It comes as no surprise then, that for the past seven years, the Credit Unions of Tipperary have published a calendar promoting Tipperary, which they distribute free to all their members.

Stolen copies of this calendar, each year, often end up in the scattered outposts of Australia, England, Africa and Canada, pinched, I should add, by light fingered relations, who want nothing more than a small but constant daily reminder of  “Home sweet Home” during a time of perhaps reluctant separation.

hasselblad_503cw_v96cBecause of themes expressed, the very high quality of their past publications and the huge demand each year, Tipperary Credit Union’s are going one step further for their 2010 edition. They are inviting all of you out there, with a love of photography, to send them your photo or photos which, for you, depict the theme “My Tipperary”.

All your pictures will be entered into a competition which, wait for it, will carry a prize fund of €1000.

The rules governing this competition are available from your own local Credit Union or by e-mailing .  Best to mark your request for the attention of Michael Harty who will forward your a copy and any indeed any other information you may require. Note also, your pictures will be posted, at a later date, on the web.

So what, for you, best depicts our Premier County?  Could it be our rich History, Sport, People, Night Life, Birds ( feathered variety only please) Architecture, or Still Life?  Whatever tickles your fancy is acceptable provided it represents in some shape or form “My Tipperary”.

The competition is open to School Students, both Amateur and Professional Photographers, Camera Clubs etc, the list is endless.
Do not be put off by the involvement by Professional Camera people, some of the best pictures I have had the pleasure to view, came from the rank raw amateur, so just get out there and start shooting, time is rapidly running out.

Word of warning, if your entry features a friend or family member or any other person, please do make sure you get their permission for public use, before you send your entry. Knowing people, as I do, failure to get permission in such cases, usually means you may walk again but not without a very noticeable limp.


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