
Fairtrade Visit To Ursuline Primary School.

fair-trade-ursulineAll across Ireland, students and teachers are raising awareness and availability of products with the FAIRTRADE Mark.

A Fairtrade School is one that has made a commitment to supporting and using Fairtrade. They ensure that Fairtrade products are available in their canteen, tuck shop, staff room and vending machine. They raise awareness of Fairtrade and the benefits that it brings to producers in developing countries.
The recent visit to the Ursuline primary school by the Fairtrade team with guest of honour John Nuwagaba was organised to promote Fairtrade Fortnight and the positive benefits of changing purchasing behaviour to guarantee a better deal for third world producers.

Pictured are; (back row) Catherine Reynolds (Acting Principal, Ursuline Primary School) and Laurenz Egan (Thurles Fairtrade Town Committee). Seated; (Left to right) John Nuwagaba (Ankole Coffee Co-op, Uganda) Sister Mercedes (Ursuline Community Thurles), Dunstan Burke (Fairtrade Mark Ireland), Rita Kenny (Visiting teacher) and Catherine Corcoran (Thurles Fairtrade Town Committee).


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