
Covid-19 Update: Tue. 1st Sept. 2020 – Zero New Deaths – 217 New Cases

County Tipperary Confirmed with 17 new Covid-19 cases.

This evening, figures from the Department of Health confirm that there have been zero new deaths caused by the Covid-19 pandemic; leaving the overall death toll here in the Republic of Ireland remaining at 1,777.

However, there are 217 new additional cases reported today, leaving the current total number of confirmed cases, since conception in the Irish Republic, at 29,025.

Of the 217 new cases notified today, 103 are men and 113 are women. 70% of these affected are under 45 years of age.

Seventeen of todays cases are in Co. Tipperary, with 103 in Dublin; 25 in Kildare; 17 in Limerick; 7 in Waterford; 7 in Wicklow; 6 in Clare; 5 in Louth, with the remaining 30 cases spread across Carlow; Cavan; Cork; Donegal; Galway; Kilkenny; Meath; Monaghan; Offaly; Roscommon; Westmeath and Wexford.

Restrictions on group activities will be with us for some time, according to the chair of NPHET’s Epidemiological Modeling Advisory Group, Professor Philip Nolan. Professor Nolan has stated that such restrictions must remain necessary if we are to protect the priorities of schools, work, healthcare and sport. 

Face coverings are now mandatory for everyone in certain places including on public transport and in all retail outlets.

Meanwhile: Acting Chief Medical Officer Dr. Ronan Glynn has warned that the improper wearing of face coverings could actually increase the risk of contacting Covid-19.
Dr Glynn stated that although the vast majority of people are wearing face coverings, when it is required to do so, some individuals are not wearing face coverings correctly.
[Do please take the time to watch the World Health Organisations video, shown above.]
While some 90% of people are wearing face coverings where appropriate, Dr. Glynn has warned that many people were wearing them under their chins or leaving their nasal areas fully exposed, thus failing to provide any protection whatsoever against Covid-19 and could be, in fact, increasing the risk of catching the virus.

Note: In the video shown above it is interesting to watch how hands are sanitised correctly, ensuring in particular that sanitiser gets under your nails, through rubbing your fingers tips in the centre of the palms of your hands. [I must admit I personally hadn’t fully grasped this concept previously.]

Please do stay safe by reducing social contacts; avoiding crowds; physically distancing;
wearing face coverings and washing your hands regularly.


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