
The Rocky Roads Through Thurles

It would appear that Thurles residents spent most of the pre-Christmas period staring heavenwards. Since there were no public reports of a large bright star moving across the heavens, having suddenly appeared in the east; we must assume that their gaze was understandably drawn to our superb display of overhead Christmas lighting.

However, this heavenly distraction may have led to a failure to notice the deplorable and totally unacceptable state of our street surfaces here in Thurles, over this busy festive period.

Note: Tarmac Does Not Attach Itself Successfully To Plastic.
Last week some of our local councillors rushed to their Facebook pages, as they are wont to do, to upload details of their extreme municipal district powers; recording personal achievements regarding the improvements made to the surface of Barry’s Bridge.  Alas, imagine their disappointment when for the 4th time in just 28 days, 16-wheeler trucks, required to pass through our narrow streets, have turned all such improvements to the state of mere gravel.

A couple of questions now need answers.
(1) Would you find road surfaces akin to that found presently in Thurles; around Leinster House, Kildare St, Dublin?
(2) Would you find road surfaces akin to that found presently in Thurles, in any street in Dublin city?
(3) Is this all part of Fáilte Ireland’s attempt to attract tourism; as in “Ireland’s Ancient East.” ?
(4) In a county where elected Councillors voted to increase Local Property Tax (LPT) by 10%, why do we tolerate this neglect?

We have been informed that 13 million Euro has been allocated for works on National Primary and Secondary roads in 2018; up from 2.16 million Euro this year. Among the schemes to benefit will be the N24 through Tipperary Town including Davitt Street, where 1.5 million Euro will be spent along with works on Main Street and Fr. Matthew Street. The N74 through Golden is also earmarked for works costing over €350,000 and works will continue on the N62 at Lismackin, Roscrea.
A further 4 million is allocated for an overlay of the N24 bypass in Clonmel, while sections of both the N24 and N74 in Carrick on Suir will also benefit, together with 2.5 million Euro earmarked for the N52 in Borrisokane.

There is no mention of the Thurles bypass, initially promised some 16 year ago; so here is hoping that the early medieval Barry’s bridge, can continue to take the strain of modern heavy duty vehicles.


3 comments to The Rocky Roads Through Thurles

  • Pat.

    Well done George for again highlighting this issue on the bridge in Thurles and the scandalous condition of our roads and footpaths. A few years ago a big job was done to the bridge both beneath and on the driving surface at huge cost to us, the tax payers. It has been a total disaster of a job ever since. Only days ago, the damaged sections were supposedly repaired at night. Days after, the resurfacing is again breaking up. Who authorised this job, who paid for this job, who from our Council oversaw this work being carried out and above all who is now responsible??? It would appear that our Council staff have no real responsibility to Thurles by virtue of the fact that this ‘damage’ which I would assume is due to either bad materials, bad preparation or bad planning on the Council’s part. The redevelopment of Liberry Square was to have commenced before Christmas, Griffin’s Newsagency was purchased by the Council to facilitate a new car park. What has happened to both of these projects???

  • George Willoughby

    Do not expect a reply Pat, as those elected and paid to represent us, are not prepared to enter into debate. This usually means they cannot explain or indeed justify this neglect by Council management, proving yet again that they are totally blind and powerless. Time now to call for a motion of no confidence in our Municipal District Council members.

  • Chris

    Abolishing the town council was as Barry Cowen put it, “an act of vandalism”. A cash grab on urban areas to make up for funding cuts to County Councils. If Thurles Town Council still existed they could’ve sorted this. Although national roads come under the remit of the NRA, the town council can be permitted to carry out works with its own financing. (Example of this was Cuchulain Road in 2014)

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