
Invest Tipperary – Marketing The Premier County

lit-thurlesThe launch of a new initiative “Invest Tipperary,” will takes place this evening, Monday 25th January 2016, with business representatives from across the county expected to attend.

The Chairperson of Invest Tipperary, Mr Liam Sheedy is encouraging people to come along to this evening’s launch, which will take place at the LIT, Thurles, Tipperary campus.

The purpose of this new initiative is to strongly market Co Tipperary to all businesses and multinational companies who may be currently expressing an interest in Ireland, with a view to setting up some future envisioned industrial base.

In the past it has been highlighted that Co. Tipperary has fared most inadequately when compared to IDA sponsored site visits in other counties, by future potential investors.

Following a study of possible ‘site-ready’ locations having already been carried out in advance of this evenings launch; some eight locations are understood to have been identified across Tipperary, that are understood to be ready, available and waiting for future investment.

This new “Invest Tipperary” is understood to become an on-line and traditional marketing venture, which will greatly assist in the promoting of our counties industrial and retail sites, thus enabling Co. Tipperary to compete, for the first time, with other larger urban areas currently seeking both inbound and indigenous investment.

The official launch of this new initiative will take place this evening at 7:00pm sharp and featuring on tonight’s agenda will be discussions on the creation of a vibrant website; current marketing materials currently available and future engagement on a digital media programme, that would strongly promote the entire county of Tipperary as a suitable investment location.


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