
Nuns To Go On The Run In Thurles For Sister Act

Thurles Musical Societies Mr Noel Dundon Reports;

Normally at this time of the year the only run Thurles Musical Society would be worried about would be the five night run for their annual show. However, in 2014 expect events to be somewhat different – a fun different that is. Besides this expected and aforementioned hectic five night run of this year’s show, which this year features the Republic of Ireland Premiere of “Sister Act” the Musical,” the Thurles Society is also embarking upon a Fun Run and Walk on Sunday February 23rd, starting at 12:30pm at the Anner Hotel and finishing .. .. well in plenty of time for the Society’s opening night we anticipate.

Yeah, ‘Nuns on the Run,’ as this fun run and walk is being headlined, is a brand new departure for Thurles Musical Society and there will be a slight twist to the norms associated with such events. Fancy dress is a real option, possibility and probability and in all likelihood there will be a few ‘Habits’ donned to help bring a little bit of flair to this event.

The run will pass the Presentation Convent and the Cathedral of the Assumption en-route and anyone who feels like they need divine inspiration can feel free to drop in.  (It won’t pass St Patrick’s Cemetery although a few individuals could well be headed there after this event.)

While guarantees of good weather can never be guaranteed, Thurles Musical Society can promise great fun and craic on the day. And for all those budding Usain Bolts type athletes out there, an open invitation is being extended to don the Lycra, throw on the runners and come along to join the fun.

No ‘Habit’ do I hear you say? Rubbish, become a Dominican Nun for the event by cutting a hole in an old white sheet.

Now, as for the show itself, huge progress is being made these weeks with everyone working really hard. There is a great buzz about at rehearsals and the cast and chorus are really enjoying the preparations. Rehearsals are running at the moment between the Anner Hotel and The Premier Hall, and Thurles Musical Society wish to thank, most sincerely, both these venues for their assistance and usual courtesy.

Note: Patronage, advertising and sponsorship is being sought at the present time, so anyone wishing to help out in this department would be welcomed with open arms.


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