
Thurles Ranked High On CSO Crime Offence List 2011

Thurles & Tipperary CSO Crime Figures 2011

Thieves are going online to confirm when private homes are unoccupied. Gardaí have warned that thieves are using Facebook and Twitter to spy on their victims in an effort to discover when they are likely to leave their homes unattended. Social networkers are foolishly and openly stating their intentions to travel on holidays or to attend social occasions like weddings and other family events.

Nowadays with strict drink driving laws in force, people are more inclined to stay overnight if alcohol is consumed, thus leaving their homes unattended for at least 12 to 14 hours.

With a 7% rise in burglaries up to July 31st last and with one-in-three burglars now simply breaking in through your front door, people need to be extremely careful about the information they disclose when using such social networks.

Click image on left to obtain a larger view of reported crime in your area or click here to see the crime rate of all towns listed in Tipperary. (Note: Select ‘Tipperary,’ in box marked ‘County or State,’ on the indicated link.)

One other source of information, inviting criminals unto your property now also appear to be ‘For Sale,’ signs, as experienced in Holycross some weeks ago, when scrap metal thieves removed all the copper piping including the copper cylinder from a two story house which was advertising the owner’s intension to sell. Of course no one saw anything suspicious, but surely the questions must now be asked; who receives this stolen metal and is it now time to licence & control those dealers involved in the purchase of such scrap metals, most of whom deal strictly in cash?

With our greatly reduced police force now under massive pressure, attempting to solve our ever increasing crime rate, one must also ask the question why members of our excellent unarmed police force are observed, daily, escorting bank security vehicles around town, when up to six soldiers, armed with Steyr Assault Rifles, are already employed on these same patrols.

Time has come to make changes, time has come for people to start looking out for each other and time has come to be grateful you have a nosy neighbour.


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