
Thurles Leisure Centre Install Biomass Heating

A new 550kW Biomass Boiler is currently under construction east of the Thurles Swimming Pool & Leisure Centre here in Thurles.

Biomass Installation

The project is estimated to cut the cost of the heating necessary for this local state of the art facility by one third, to under €100,000 per year.

Currently this venue costs €150,000 each year to heat, using bulk liquid propane gas, however now this new installation will be fueled using biomass, latter fuel which can be sourced locally.

This new venture should have the impact of retaining large money savings for within the local economy, thus resulting in more money for the support of other commercial purposes within Thurles.

Added to this, Thurles Town Council’s commitment to a reduction of the towns carbon foot print, has meant that the Swimming Pool management have embarked on improving further energy efficiency measures, e.g. installing additional wall insulation and lighting controls at this popular leisure facility.

By undertaking this project, Thurles Town Council now set a prime example to others in the Public Sector, on how they can lead the way, in strengthening other local economies.


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