
Beware Cold Calling by Telephone

Computer Scam

Over the past few weeks we have received several reports of telephone ‘cold calling’ from persons claiming to represent a computer support company. This cold caller is requesting people in the Thurles area, asking them to log onto their computer as they have detected serious viruses or other problems on your computer.

In some case they state that they are from “Microsoft Security”, or simply “Your Computer Support Company”. In all cases they appear to speak with an Indian sounding accent. They get you to log onto a particular web site where you enter in a code and then they remotely access you computer.

After they supposedly remove the offending virus or repair the imaginary problem they will inform you that they will now be forwarding you a bill for their services of up to €90. They will also request that you sign up to their “long-term” deal costing some €200 per year.

Should you receive such a call, DO NOT switch on your computer, instead ask them for their contact details and hang up, promising to return their call at a later date.

Do NOT talk to these people and DO NOT let them take control of your computer. Anyone “out of the blue” asking you to switch on your PC or Laptop by phone, should be treated as extremely suspect.

Have you received one of these calls?.


2 comments to Beware Cold Calling by Telephone

  • When I get a call from someone doing a survey, of someone selling something with a broken english accent, I answer by saying the Hail Mary or the Our Father in Irish and they hang up straight away.

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