
Ice Rink Arena At Thurles Shopping Centre

Thurles town can now boasts that it has a venue to support  just about every conceivable activity and entertainment, both outdoor and indoor, known to mankind. But lets be honest Thurles Shopping Centre have added the crowning glory this Christmas season, with their creation of a 250 square metre indoor Ice Rink  Arena.

Thurles Ice Arena At Slievenamon Rd, Thurles, Co.Tipperary.

Thurles Ice Arena at Slievenamon Rd, Thurles, Co.Tipperary.

This Ice Arena presents a spectacular vision of a “Winter Wonderland” scene, magically created next door to where Santa Claus and his many Elves will be resident during the weeks prior to Christmas eve.

Santa’s residence is a log cabin standing nicely secluded in a magical forest of real 14 ft  Christmas trees, so young and old can come visit him in the privacy of  his new home and whisper maybe just a hint of what they would prefer in their stocking this Christmas.

Santa has already visited the Thurles Shopping Centre in the past week, so you had better watch out as he was possibly checking who was naughty and who was nice, as he finalises his annual visit to homes in Thurles this Christmas Eve.

The new Ice Arena, purposely built by an experienced ice installation company, can cater for approximately 80 people each hour. The arena offers special family and group rates and a very special price for school groups, but remember bookings are on a first come first served basis so make sure that you are not disappointed.

Note also: Experienced skaters Chleo Woodlock and Sioban Cahill will be on hand to supervise and help the inexperienced skater to get started.

Don’t miss your chance to skate on this fabulous Ice Skating Arena and remember there is free car parking for 600 vehicles and over 25 superb retail outlets for shoppers to browse through at their ease.

To experience the sheer thrill of skating, visitors can make their booking by dialing a dedicated Ice Line at Telephone Number 0504-24655.

The full details are available at;

The Ice Skating Arena will run only until Sunday 10th January 2010, so don’t miss this opportunity.

Update: Click here for update.


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